My life recently has consisted of work, finishing up Calculus I (which I made an A in! Yay, but the subject still disgusts me so let the mention of it end here.), and going to New York to visit my friend (excitement rant to follow)
However, I'd like to address retail at its FINEST. It's called a sale. Please don't mistake it for a sail, which though is as equally pleasant with its homonymity and nautical affiliations is just not the same.
A sale, in the retail world, is when a myriad of items are discounted from their original selling price to one that is less. I bet that sounds really great, but then again what do you know? you're a customer. To a sales associate, a sale is what Rachel Zoe would call a cluster fuck and is akin to letting a wild animal go loose on a table of neatly folded shirts that took you all morning to take out of the box and size and color-coordinate. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.
At my place of employment, we've been prepping for this sale and started allowing VIP customers (aka ones that like to spend a lot of money on things they want or need or may some day possibly want or need) and it's been causing me to get knots in my back. Knots of tension, knots of aching fingers from holding too many hangers at once, knots of tiny children messing up my neat displays of necklaces and earrings, all sorts of knots and it's NOT okay.
But with my ONE moment of optimism, the light at the end of this deathly tunnel of staying an hour and a half late at work after the store has closed to fix the mess that you crazy consumers made for me, I have found that my trip to New York (financed by retail) made it all worth it.
Here's a sample of why:

- Banner Tank, Built by Wendy

- Scalloped Tank, TopShop

Cari Silk Linen Shorts, Marc by Marc Jacobs
Ps.Just for the record I realize that I am a hypocrite for complaining about consumers and then being a consumer myself, but let's not let the uglies of this reality ruin the happy part of my blog okay?
Pps. I had a photoshoot (aka my cousin's boyfriend's fancy SLR camera and ME in a park) with those Marc by Marc shorts! Get excited. Excuse my lack of ability to upload my own photos.
Still desperate for sympathy,
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