Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Iphone Diary: Prague

So I really had no business starting this blog because a blog is more than just shameless divulging but perhaps a commitment to content….and to be interesting. One of which I have and one of which Europe is.

However timing and punctuality is everything and unfortunately (but maybe fortunately) being abroad has given me no concept of time.  It has only given me a rapidly decreasing wallet and the endless desire to drink wine for no reason and eat everything…twice.

But through the request of a friend, I decided to backtrack and relive my globe trotting  via iphone diary (hasn’t been stolen yet! I’m golden..for now)

First trip: Prague prounounced Pra-ha for those in the know

Pretty views

Prague Castle

Lennon Wall (some people thought it was Lenin wall...not the same)

People really enjoy professing their love permanently with locks on bridges. It's a thing. (Pont Neuf in Paris is the place for this. Pictures to come)
Old Town Square

Some noteworthy things: The Czechs seem quiet during the day. There's a silence over Prague that really doesn't make any sense when the sunsets and people go nuts- in the best way possible (and as you'll see in stories to come..that's how most of Europe really is). So some things that aren't pictured: the day I wore a tweed shirt and leather pants to a night club and emerged [not so] lovely and sweaty hours thereafter, a pub crawl that ends at a 5-story club, Prague's main nighttime attraction, and a Nicky Romero concert that was jungle-themed and may have well been a rave -- that's right, me at a rave. I had no business being there. 

And so ends Prague. 

Next stop: Amsterdam

It will all come in a flood soon,


Ps. With relevance to my blog's actual purpose, no materialism actually happened on this trip. That will also come soon (Berlin wins that one, and my backyard, Paris, of course) 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

So Paris is a thing.

Oh my dear Blogosphere, I haven't forgotten about you. In fact I've thought about you longingly. Longingly only because I was hoping for a time when I could find something to say (other than my retail rants which are still very much apart of me) that would stimulate some interest...or at the very least allow me to selfishly divulge my every thought and instagram.

Alas! We have content, I'm in Paris.

I'm not going to pretend that my experience studying abroad is any more exciting to hear about than any other stereotypical foreigner in Paris experiencing eating a crepe for the first time or taking multiple pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower. But at some point in the past few days my attitude has switched from "argh, I don't want to be annoying" to "fuck it, this is cool. I have to tell someone...or everyone"

So I think it’s time we do a little sharing. Why? Because Paris is a winner; and though I cringe at the thought of all the American faux pas I most likely have been committing, there perhaps has never been any other city that I’ve wanted to grab and hug and profess my love to.

So prepare yourself for a little bit of this,

 (I know what I said earlier about taking a picture of the Eiffel Tower. I'm a hypocrite. Just deal with it.)